Physicians Accepting New Patients for Dr. Inge Vasovich
Please contact the Physicians below directly to enquire if they are still accepting new patients. They have been notified of Dr. Inge Vasovich's closure and have expressed that they may be able to accept new patients. RASCI will ensure that your medical record is transferred to your new physician.
Dr. Dennis DiValentino
460 Main St. East, Suite 404
Hamilton, ON L8N 1K4
Gender - M
Dr. Shalini Sharma
Shine Family Clinic
567 Scenic Dr.
Hamilton, ON, L9C 1G9
Gender - F
Dr. Andrea Csordas
325 Winterberry Dr. Suite 204
Hamilton, ON
Gender - F
Dr. Naveeda Yasmeen
155 James St. South, Suite 102
Hamilton, ON
Gender - F
Dr. Khan
53 Argyle St. North
Caledonia, ON
Gender - F
Dr. Richard Tytus
248 Argyle St. South
Caledonia, ON
Gender - M