Leverage the RASCI’s network of providers and requestors to experience significant costs savings whether you are a Records Requestor, Health Care Provider, Law Firm, Insurer, Title Company or any Provider of Records. RASCI utilizes the ChartSwap engine that is built around an easy-to-use, efficient, and automated workflow.
Reduce your average turn-around time from weeks to days, making your clients more satisfied
Eliminate the cost of scanning records
Reduce time on the phone, following-up on requests with custodians
Avoid the potential for records lost in the mail
Cut direct labor costs, significantly impacting your return on investment and increasing your competitive advantage

Reduce direct labor, materials, and shipping costs
Manage all records requests online and view your progress on each request or in aggregate
Receive fewer phone calls from aggressive record companies
Avoid reworking requests for "lost" records
Mitigate HIPAA liability by eliminating insecure methods of transmission and reducing risk of unauthorized disclosure
Leverage your investment in EHR to experience efficiencies inherent with electronic work flows